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The Gospel of Truth

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The Gospel of Truth Empty The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:44 pm

Here is the Gospel of Truth, its a subtle yet moving reflection on the person and work of Jesus. I Got this from the Nag Hammadi Library in English. pg.40-51.

The gospel of truth is joy for those who have recieved from the Father of truth the grace of knowing him, through the power of the Word that came forth from the pleroma, the one who is in the thought and the mind of the Father, that is, the one who is addressed as the Savior, (that) being the name of the work he is to perform for the redemption of those who where ignorant of the Father, while in the name [of] the gospel is the proclamation of hope, being discorver for those who search for him.

When the totality went about searching for the one from whom the had come forth -- and the totality was inside of him, the incomprehensible, inconceivable one who is superior to every thought -- ignorance of the Father brought about anguish and terror; and the anguish grew solid like a fog, so that no one was able to see. For this reason error became powerful; it worked on its own matter foolishl, not having known the truth. It set about with a creation, preparing with power and beauty the substitute for the truth.

This was not, then, a humiliation for him, the incomprehensible, inconceivable one, for they were nothing, the anguish and the oblivion and the creature of deceit, while the established truth is immutable, imperturbable, perfect in beauty. For this reason, despise error.

Thus it had no root; it fell into a fog regarding the Father, while it was involved in preparing works and oblivions and terrors, in order that by means of these it might entice those of the middle and capture them.

The oblivion of error was not revealed. It is not a [...] from the Father. Oblivion did not come into existence from the Father, although it did indeed come into existence because of him.; But what comes into existence in him is knowledge, which appeared in order that oblivion might vanish and the Father might be known. Since oblivion came into existence because the Father might be known, then if the Father comes to be known, oblivion will not exist from that moment on.

Through this, the gospel of the one who is searched for, which revealed to those who are perfect through the mercies of the Father, the hidden mystery, Jesus, the Christ, enlightened those who were in darkness through oblivion. He enlightened them; he showed (them) a way; and the way is the truth which he taught them.
For this reason error grew angry at him, persecuted him, was distressed at him (and) was brought to naught. He was nailed to a tree (and) he became a frut of the knowledge of the Father. It did not, however, cause destruction because it was eaten, but to those who ate it it gave (cause) t become glad in the discorvery, and he discovered them in himself, and they discovered him in themselves.

As for the incomprehensible, inconceivable one, the Father, the perfect one, the one who made the totality, within him is totality and of him the totality has need. Although he retained their perfection within himself which he did not give to the totality, the Father was not jealous. What jealousy indeed (could there be) between himself and huis members? For, if this aeon had thus [recieved] their [perfection], they could not have come [. . .] the Father. He retains within perfectly unitary knowledge. It is he who fashioned the totality, and within him is the totality and the totality was in need of him.

As in the case of a person of whom some are ignorant, he wishes to have them know him and love him, so -- for what did the totality have need of if not knowledge regarding the Father? -- he became a guide, restful and leisurely. In schools he appeared (and) he spoke the word as a teacher. There came the men wise in their own estimation, putting him to the test. But he confounded them because they were foolish. They hated him because they were not really wise.

After all these, there came the little children also, those to whom the knowledge of the Father belongs. Having been strengthened, they learned about the impressions of the Father. They knew, they were known; theywere glorified, they glorified. There was manifested in their heart the living book of the living -- the one written in the thought and the mind [of the] Father, which from before the foundation of the totality was within his incomprehensibility - that (book) which no one was able to take, since it remains for the one who will take it to be slain. No one could have become manifest from among those who have believed in salvation unless that book had appreared For this reason the merciful one, the faithful one, Jesus, was patient in accepting sufferings until he took that book, since he knows that his death is life for many.


Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:29 pm

Just as there lies hidden in a will, before it is opened, the fortune of the deceased master of the house, so (it is) with the totality, which lay hidden whole the Father of the totality was invisible, being something which is from him, from whom every space comes forth. For this reason Jesus appeared; he put on that book; he was nailed to a tree; he published the edict of the Father on the cross. O such great teaching! He draws himself down to death though life eternal clothes him. Having stripped himself of the perishable rags, he put on imperishablitiy, which no one can possibly take away from him. Having entered the empty spaces of terrors, he passed through those who were stripped naked by oblivion, being knowledge and perfection, proclaiming the things that are in the heart, [. . .] teach those who will recieve teaching.

But those who are to revieve teaching [are] the living who are inscribed in the book of the living. It is about themselves and they receive instruction, receiving it from the Father, turning again to him. Since the perfection of totality is in the Father, it is necessary for the totality to ascend to him. Then, if one has knowledge, he recieves what are his own and draws them to himself. For he who is ignorant is in need, and what he lacks is great, since he lacks that which will make him perfect. Since the perfection of the totality is in the Father and it is necessary for the totality to ascend to him and for each one to receive what are his own, he enrolled them in advance, having prepared them to give to those who came forth from him.

Those whose name he knew in advance were called at the end, so that one who has knowledge is one whose name the Father has uttered. For he whose name has not been spoken is ignorant. Indeed, how is one to hear if his name has not been called? For he who is ignorant until the end is a creature of oblivion, and he will vanish along with it. If not, how is it that these mereable ones have no name, (how is it that) they do not have the call? Therfore, if one has knowledge, he is from above. If he is called, he hears, he answers, and he turns to him who is calling him, and ascends to him. And he knows in what manner he is called. Having knowledge, he does the will of the one who called him, he wishes to be pleaseing to him, he recieves rest. Each one's name comes to him. He who is to have knwledge in this manner knows where he comes from and where he is going. He knows as one who having become drunk has turned away from his drunkenness, (and) having returned to himself, has set right what are his own.

He has brought many back from error. He has gone before them to their places, from which they had moved away, since it was on account of the depth that they recieved error, the depth of the one who encircles all spaces while there is none that encircles him. It was a great wonder that they were in the Father, not knowing him, and (that) they were able to come forth by themselves, since they were unable to comprehend or to know the one in whom they were. For if his will had not thus emerged from him - for he revealed it in view of a knowledge in which all its emanations concur.

This is knowledge of the living book which he revealed tothe aeons, at the end as [his letters], revealing how they are not vowels nor are they consonants, so that one might read them and think of someting foolish, but they are letters of the truth which they alone speak who knows them. Each letter is a complete like a complete book, since they are letters written by the Unity, the Father having written them for the aeons in order that by means of his letters they should know the Father.

While his wisdom contemplates the Word, and his teaching utters it, his knowledge has revealed . While forebearance is a crown upon it, and his gladness is in harmony with it, his glory has exalted it, his image has revealed it, his repose has recieved it into itself, his love has made a body over it, his fedelity has embraced it. In this way the Word of the Father goes forth in the totality, as the fruit [of] his heart and an impression of his will. But it supports the totality; it chooses them and also recieves the impression of the totality, purifying them, bringing them back into the Father, into the Mother, Jesus of the infinite sweetness.

The Father reveals his bosom. -- Now his bosom is the Holy Spirit. -- He reveals what is hidden of him -- what is hidden of him is his Son -- so that through the mercies of the Father the aeons may know him and cease laboring in search of the Father, resting there in him, knowing that this is the rest. Having filled the defienciency, he abolished the form -- the form of it is the world, that in which he served. -- For the place where there is envy and strife is deficient, but the place where (there is) Unity is pefect. Since the deficiency came into being because the Father was not known, therefore, when the Father is known, from that moment on the deficiency wil no longer exist. As in the case of the ignorance of a person, when he comes to have knowledge, his ignorance vanishes of itself, as the darkness vanishes when light appears, so also the deficiency vanishes in the perfection. So from that moment on the form is not apparent, but it will vanish in the fusion of Unity, for now their works lie scattered. In time Unity will pefect the spaces. It is within Unity that each on will attain himself; within knowledge he will purify himself from multiplicity into Unity, consuiming matter within himself like fire, and darknesss by light, death by life.


Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:37 am

If indeed these things have happened to each one of us, then we must see to it above all that house will be holy and silent for the Unity. (It is) as in the case of some people who moed out of dwellings having jars that in spots were not good. They would break them, and the master of the house would not suffer loss. Rather is glad because in place of the bad jars (there are) ful ones which are made perfect. For such is the judgement which has come from above. It has passed judgement on everyone; it is a drawn sword, with two edges, cutting on either side. When the Word appeared, the one that is within the heart of those who utter it - it is not a sound alone but it became a body -- a great disturbance took place among the jars because some had been emptied, others filled; that is, some had been supplied, others poured out, some had been purified, still others broken up. All the spaces were shaken and disturbed because they had no order nor stability. Error was upset, not knowing what to do; it was grieved, in mourning, afflicting itself because it knew nothing. When knowledge drew near it - error is empty, having nothing inside.

Truth appeared; all its emanations knew it. They greeted the Father in truth with a perfect power that joins them with the Father. For, as for everyone who loves the truth - because the truth is the mouth of the Father; his tongue is the Holy - he who is joined to the truth is joined to the Father's mouth by his tongue, whenever he is to receive the Holy Spirit, since this is the manifestation of the Father and his revelation to his aeons.

He manifested what was hidden of him; he explained it. For who contains, if not the Father alone? All the spaces are his emanations. They have known that they came forth from him like children who are from a grown man. They knew that they had not yet received form nor yet received a name, each one of which the Father begets. Then, when they received form by his knowledge, though truley within him, they do not know him. But the Father is perfect, knowing every space within him. If he wishes, he manifests whomever he wishes by giving him form and giving him a name, and he gives a name to him and brings it about that those come into existence who, before they come into existence, are ignorant of him who fashioned them.

I do not say, then, that they are nothing (at all) who have not yet come into existence, but they are in him who will wish that they come into existence when he wishes, like the time that is to come. Before all things appear, he knows what he will produce. But the fruit which is not yet manifest does not know anything, nor does it do anything. Thus, also, every space which is itself in the Father is from the one who exists, who established it from what does not exist. For he who has no root has no fruit either, but though he thinks to himself, "I have come into being," yet he will perish by himself. For this reason, he who did not exist at all will never come into existence. What, then, did he wish him to think of himself? This: "I have come into being like the shadows and phantoms of the night." When the light shines on the terror which that person had experienced, he knows that it is nothing.

Thus they were ignorant of the Father, he being the one whom they did not see. Since it was terror and disturbance and instability and doubt and division, there were many illusions at work by means of these, and (there were) empty fictions, as if they were sunk in sleep and found themselves in disturbing dreams. Either (there is) a place to which they are fleeing, or without strength they come (from) having chased after others, or they are involved in striking blows, or they are receiving blows themselves, or they have fallen from high places, or they take off into the air though they do not even have wings. Again, sometimes (it is as) if people were murdering them, though there is no one even pursuing them, or they themselves are killing their neighbors, for they have been stained with their blood. When those who are going through al these things wake up, they see nothing, they who were in the midst of all these disturbances, for they are nothing. Such is the way of those who have cast ignorance aside from them like sleep, not esteeming it as anything, nor do they esteem its works as solid things either, but they leave them behind like a dream in the night. The knowledge of the Father they value as the dawn. This is the way each one has acted, as though asleep at the time when he is ignorant. And this is the way he has , as if he had awakened, {and} Good for the man who will return and awaken. And blessed is he who has opened the eyes of the blind.


Last edited by in2wish4everpeace on Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:02 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : continued.)

Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:47 pm

And the Spirit ran after him, hastening from waking him up. Having extended his hand to him who lay upon the ground, he set him up on his feet, for he had not yet risen. He gave them the means of knowing the knowledge of the Father and the revelation of his Son. For when they had seen him and had heard him, he granted them to taste him, and to smell him, and to touch the beloved Son.

When he had appeared, instructing them about the Father, the incomprehensible one, when he had breathed into them what is in the thought, doing his will, when many had received the light, they turned to him. For the material ones were strangers, and did not see his likeness, and had not known him. For he came by means of fleshly form, while nothing blocked his course, because incorruptibility is irresistible, since he, again, spoke new things, still speaking about what is in the heart of the Father, having brought forth the flawless Word.

When light had spoken through his mouth, as well as his voice, which gave birth to life, he gave them thought and understanding, and mercy and salvation, and the powerful spirit from the infiniteness and the sweetness of the Father. Having made punishments and tortures cease - for it was they which were leading astray from his face some who were in need of mercy, in error and in bonds - he both destroyed them with power and confounded them with knowledge. He became a way for those who were gone astray, and knowledge for those who were ignorant, a discovery for those who were searching, and a support for those who were wavering, immaculateness for those who were defiled.

He is the shepherd who left behind the ninety-nine sheep which were not lost. He went searching for the one which had gone astray. He rejoiced when he found it, for ninety-nine is a number that is in the left hand, which holds it. But when the one is found, the entire number passes to the right (hand). As that which lacks the one - that is, the entire right (hand) - draws what was deficient and takes it from the left-hand side and brings (it) to the right, so too the number becomes one hundred. It is the sign of the one who is in their sound; it is the Father. Even on the Sabbath, he labored for the sheep which he found fallen into the pit. He gave life to the sheep, having brought it up from the pit, in order that you might know interiorly - you, the sons of interior knowledge - what is the Sabbath, on which it is not fitting for salvation to be idle, in order that you may speak from the day from above, which has no night, and from the light which does not sink, because it is perfect.

Say, then, from the heart, that you are the perfect day, and in you dwells the light that does not fail. Speak of the truth with those who search for it, and (of) knowledge to those who have committed sin in their error. Make firm the foot of those who have stumbled, and stretch out your hands to those who are ill. Feed those who are hungry, and give repose to those who are weary, and raise up those who wish to rise, and awaken those who sleep. For you are the understanding that is drawn forth. If strength acts thus, it becomes even stronger. Be concerned with yourselves; do not be concerned with other things which you have rejected from yourselves. Do not return to what you have vomited, to eat it. Do not be moths. Do not be worms, for you have already cast it off. Do not become a (dwelling) place for the devil, for you have already destroyed him. Do not strengthen (those who are) obstacles to you, who are collapsing, as though (you were) a support (for them). For the lawless one is someone to treat ill, rather than the just one. For the former does his work as a lawless person; the latter as a righteous person does his work among others. So you, do the will of the Father, for you are from him.


Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:49 pm

For the Father is sweet, and in his will is what is good. He has taken cognizance of the things that are yours, that you might find rest in them. For by the fruits does one take cognizance of the things that are yours, because the children of the Father are his fragrance, for they are from the grace of his countenance. For this reason, the Father loves his fragrance, and manifests it in every place. And if it mixes with matter, he gives his fragrance to the light, and in his repose, he causes it to surpass every form (and) every sound. For it is not the ears that smell the fragrance, but (it is) the breath that has the sense of smell and attracts the fragrance to itself, and is submerged in the fragrance of the Father, so that he thus shelters it, and takes it to the place where it came from, from the first fragrance, which is grown cold. It is something in a psychic form, being like cold water which has frozen (?), which is on earth that is not solid, of which those who see it think it is earth; afterwards, it dissolves again. If a breath draws it, it gets hot. The fragrances, therefore, that are cold are from the division. For this reason, faith came; it dissolved the division, and it brought the warm pleroma of love, in order that the cold should not come again, but (that) there should be the unity of perfect thought.

This the word of the gospel of the discovery of the pleroma, for those who await the salvation which is coming from on high. While their hope, for which they are waiting, is in waiting - they whose image is light with no shadow in it - then, at that time, the pleroma is proceeding to come. The of matter came to be not through the limitlessness of the Father, who is coming to give time for the deficiency, although no one could say that the incorruptible one would come in this way. But the depth of the Father was multiplied, and the thought of error did not exist with him. It is a thing that falls, (and) it is a thing that easily stands upright (again), in the discovery of him who has come to him whom he shall bring back. For the bringing-back is called 'repentence'.

For this reason, incorruptibility breathed forth; it pursued the one who had sinned, in order that he might rest. For forgiveness is what remains for the light in the deficiency, the word of the pleroma. For the physician runs to the place where sickness is, because that is the will that is in him. He who has a deficiency, then, does not hide it, because one has what the other lacks. So the pleroma, which has no deficiency, but (which) fills up the deficiency, is what he provided from himself for filling up what he lacks, in order that therefore he might receive the grace. For when he was deficient, he did not have the grace. That is why there was diminution existing in the place where there is no grace. When that which was diminished was received, he revealed what he lacked, being (now) a pleroma; that is the discovery of the light of truth which rose upon him because it is immutable.

That is why Christ was spoken of in their midst, so that those who were disturbed might receive a bringing-back, and he might anoint them with the ointment. This ointment is the mercy of the Father, who will have mercy on them. But those whom he has anointed are the ones who have become perfect. For full jars are the ones that are usually anointed. But when the anointing of one (jar) is dissolved, it is emptied, and the reason for there being a deficiency is the thing by which its ointment goes. For at that time a breath draws it, a thing in the power of that which is with it. But from him who has no deficiency, no seal is removed, nor is anything emptied, but what he lacks, the perfect Father fills again. He is good. He knows his plantings, because it is he who planted them in his paradise. Now his paradise is his place of rest.

This is the perfection in the thought of the Father, and these are the words of his meditation. Each one of his words is the work of his one will in the revelation of his Word. While they were still depths of his thought, the Word, which was first to come forth, revealed them, along with a mind that speaks the one Word in silent grace. He was called 'thought', since they were in it before being revealed. It came about, then, that he was first to come forth, at the time when the will of him who willed desired it. And the will is what the Father rests in, and is pleased with. Nothing happens without him, nor does anything happen without the will of the Father, but his will is unsearchable. His trace is the will, and no one will know him, nor is it possible for one to scrutinize him, in order to grasp him. But when he wills, what he wills is this - even if the sight does not please them in any way before God - desiring the Father. For he knows the beginning of all of them, and their end. For at their end, he will question them directly. Now, the end is receiving knowledge about the one who is hidden, and this is the Father, from whom the beginning came forth, (and) to whom all will return who have come forth from him. And they have appeared for the glory and the joy of his name.

Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:50 pm

Now the name of the Father is the Son. It is he who first gave a name to the one who came forth from him, who was himself, and he begot him as a son. He gave him his name, which belonged to him; he is the one to whom belongs all that exists around him, the Father. His is the name; his is the Son. It is possible for him to be seen. The name, however, is invisible, because it alone is the mystery of the invisible, which comes to ears that are completely filled with it by him. For indeed, the Father's name is not spoken, but (rather,) it is apparent through a Son.

In this way, then, the name is a great thing. Who, therefore, will be able to utter a name for him, the great name, except him alone to whom the name belongs, and the sons of the name, in whom rested the name of the Father, (who) in turn themselves rested in his name? Since the Father is unengendered, he alone is the one who begot him for him(self) as a name, before he brought forth the aeons, in order that the name of the Father should be over their head as lord, that is the name in truth, which is firm in his command, through perfect power. For the name is not from (mere) words, nor does his name consist of appellations, but (rather,) it is invisible. He gave a name to him alone, since he alone sees him, he alone having the power to give him a name. For he who does not exist has no name. For what name is given to him who does not exist? But the one who exists, exists also with his name, and he alone knows it, and (he) alone (knows how) to give him a name. It is the Father. The Son is his name. He did not, therefore, hide it in the thing, but it existed; as for the Son, he alone gave a name. The name, therefore, is that of the Father, as the name of the Father is the Son. Where indeed would compassion find a name, except with the Father?

But no doubt one will say to his neighbor: "Who is it who will give a name to him who existed before himself, as if offspring did not receive a name from those who begot ?" First, then, it is fitting for us to reflect on this matter: What is the name? It is the name in truth; it is not therefore the name from the Father, for it is the one which is the proper name. Therefore, he did not receive the name on loan, as (do) others, according to the form in which each one is to be produced. But this is the proper name. There is no one else who gave it to him. But he unnamable, indescribable, until the time when he who is perfect spoke of him alone. And it is he who has the power to speak his name, and to see it.

When, therefore, it pleased him that his name, which is loved, should be his Son, and he gave the name to him, that is, him who came forth from the depth, he spoke about his secret things, knowing that the Father is a being without evil. For that very reason, he brought him forth in order to speak about the place, and (about) his resting-place, from which he had come forth, and to glorify the pleroma, the greatness of his name, and the sweetness of the Father. About the place each one came from, he will speak, and to the region where he received his establishment, he will hasten to return again and to take from that place - the place where he stood - receiving a taste from that place, and receiving nourishment, receiving growth. And his own resting-place is his pleroma.

Therefore, all the emanations of the Father are pleromas, and the root of all his emanations is in the one who made them all grow up in himself. He assigned them their destinies. Each one, then, is manifest, in order that through their own thought <...>. For the place to which they send their thought, that place, their root, is what takes them up in all the heights, to the Father. They possess his head, which is rest for them, and they are supported, approaching him, as though to say that they have participated in his face by means of kisses. But they do not become manifest in this way, for they are not themselves exalted; (yet) neither did they lack the glory of the Father, nor did they think of him as small, nor that he is harsh, nor that he is wrathful, but (rather that) he is a being without evil, imperturbable, sweet, knowing all spaces before they have come into existence, and he had no need to be instructed.

This is the manner of those who possess (something) from above of the immensurable greatness, as they wait for the one alone, and the perfect one, the one who is there for them. And they do not go down to Hades, nor have they envy nor groaning nor death within them, but (rather) they rest in him who is at rest, not striving nor being twisted around the truth. But they themselves are the truth; and the Father is within them, and they are in the Father, being perfect, being undivided in the truly good one, being in no way deficient in anything, but they are set at rest, refreshed in the Spirit. And they will heed their root. They will be concerned with those (things) in which he will find his root, and not suffer loss to his soul. This is the place of the blessed; this is their place.

For the rest, then, may they know, in their places, that it is not fitting for me, having come to be in the resting-place, to speak of anything else. But it is in it that I shall come to be, and (it is fitting) to be concerned at all times with the Father of the all, and the true brothers, those upon whom the love of the Father is poured out, and in whose midst there is no lack of him. They are the ones who appear in truth, since they exist in true and eternal life, and (since they) speak of the light which is perfect, and (which is) filled with the seed of the Father, and which is in his heart and in the pleroma, while his Spirit rejoices in it and glorifies the one in whom it existed, because he is good. And his children are perfect and worthy of his name, for he is the Father; it is children of this kind that he loves.

End of gospel of truth.

Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by Guest Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:44 pm

Thanks Smile looks like I have some reading to do study

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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:28 pm

I like this one, its one of those things where you read it and it doesnt seem like your reading it because it makes sense as you go along, enjoy! Popcorn Joyful study queen Pee Pee Dance

Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by samijo Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:05 pm

Why can't I read a gospel like this and make since out of it.
I must be blocked in some kinda way.
I know there is a message, I have to have someone break it down for me.
I read it and I dont even know what is going on. Duh!

Leo Dragon
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Sat Mar 01, 2008 4:59 pm

I agree, they noted that they did the best they could in piecing together what was left of this gospel, the paper it was on was very old and full of holes and stuff like that. However i still do take some comfort and knowledge from reading this, even though alot of the sentences are incomplete. Its very beautiful reading, its like God talking to Jesus talking to someone else. I gotta give it anothere read, but this is one that i read and remembered it was good, that is why i posted it here.

Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by mamabird37721 Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:03 pm

Thanks in2 we must also remember the style of writing in those days was so very different then ours.. it is hard to follow sometimes. I find reading it slowly.. Read a paragraph... Understand what it is saying before you try to go further. It may take you several times to read it before it makes sense to you but.. if you do it this way instead of trying to read all the way through and grasping it all.. then its easier. Love and Light Robin

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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:27 pm

The gospel of truth is joy for those who have recieved from the Father of truth the grace of knowing him, through the power of the Word that came forth from the pleroma, the one who is in the thought and the mind of the Father, that is, the one who is addressed as the Savior, (that) being the name of the work he is to perform for the redemption of those who where ignorant of the Father, while in the name [of] the gospel is the proclamation of hope, being discorver for those who search for him.

When the totality went about searching for the one from whom the had come forth -- and the totality was inside of him, the incomprehensible, inconceivable one who is superior to every thought -- ignorance of the Father brought about anguish and terror; and the anguish grew solid like a fog, so that no one was able to see. For this reason error became powerful; it worked on its own matter foolishl, not having known the truth. It set about with a creation, preparing with power and beauty the substitute for the truth.

What I get from these first two paragraphs is this: First paragraph, Its talking about Jesus, the gospel of truth is for those who seek truth and love, its love put into these words, givin to us by the divine truth giver, and we cherish what is being said in this gospel of truth, because we seek hope, then find hope in these words.

Second Paragraph: I could be wrong, but what I take from this is,,and there are parts missing mind you, but let me try my best, and perhaps anyone reading this can also throw in their 2 cents also? Us reading this gospel of truth and seeking truth and love in this gospel, we are apprently the totality, or pieces of the totality, he who came forth would be again Jesus,, the paragraph then skips a portion, then goes into the ignorance of love and ignorance for truth brought about fog, those focused on the fake Gods, the material Gods like power and beauty, in substitution for truth as it says.

This was not, then, a humiliation for him, the incomprehensible, inconceivable one, for they were nothing, the anguish and the oblivion and the creature of deceit, while the established truth is immutable, imperturbable, perfect in beauty. For this reason, despise error.

Thus it had no root; it fell into a fog regarding the Father, while it was involved in preparing works and oblivions and terrors, in order that by means of these it might entice those of the middle and capture them.

The oblivion of error was not revealed. It is not a [...] from the Father. Oblivion did not come into existence from the Father, although it did indeed come into existence because of him.; But what comes into existence in him is knowledge, which appeared in order that oblivion might vanish and the Father might be known. Since oblivion came into existence because the Father might be known, then if the Father comes to be known, oblivion will not exist from that moment on.

Through this, the gospel of the one who is searched for, which revealed to those who are perfect through the mercies of the Father, the hidden mystery, Jesus, the Christ, enlightened those who were in darkness through oblivion. He enlightened them; he showed (them) a way; and the way is the truth which he taught them.
For this reason error grew angry at him, persecuted him, was distressed at him (and) was brought to naught. He was nailed to a tree (and) he became a frut of the knowledge of the Father. It did not, however, cause destruction because it was eaten, but to those who ate it it gave (cause) t become glad in the discorvery, and he discovered them in himself, and they discovered him in themselves

The first couple sentences talk about Jesus going up against the negativity on this planet, telling us that Jesus knew the power of love and knowledge of the truth is much much more powerful the the negativity around him, it didnt phase him much. The second sentence talks about the establishment of the system of negativity in which the ignorant ones followed, ignorance was their religion, and they hoped to get more of the middle ones/grey entities? To join their side, or it may mean for unsuspecting white entities to buy into their false ideals and morals, therefore stengthening their negativity further.

The next paragraph: Oblivion they speak of is negativity really, the Father they speak of, we know of as really Azna/Om, emotion/intellect. This paragraph also does really get into what Sylvia says about us wanting to fully love and understand God, and the path to perfection for us, involves coming up against the negativity that exists in this reality, and it is all worked out in the end, because the negativity in this reality is just a stepping stone to learn more about Azna/Om, so in the end we know that negativty/Oblivion will be absorbed back into the Godhead anyways, and our knowledge of Azna/Om will also be ride of negativity also, so its a lose/ lose situation for negativity if you look at it from that angle, as we are like a child that learns to swim in this negavitiy, and we always learn to stay afloat and have stability, its quite comforting to know this.

The last part of this talks of: The gospel of Jesus and love, was to revealed to us and any of us who are perfecting for Om/Azna, some of us where and may be in oblivion or darkness, but when we read words that ring truth to our souls, it brings us to the light again, it then talks about Jesus being nailed to the tree/the cross, he was to be an example to all of us, in this way his knowledge and wisdome could reach many more people, the tree could also be a metaphor for him standing up for what he believed in, so that he could get the truth out, we ate his knowledge and love, he grew in understanding and love, and so did we, so did they grow from reading his truth and hearing his truth.

As for the incomprehensible, inconceivable one, the Father, the perfect one, the one who made the totality, within him is totality and of him the totality has need. Although he retained their perfection within himself which he did not give to the totality, the Father was not jealous. What jealousy indeed (could there be) between himself and huis members? For, if this aeon had thus [recieved] their [perfection], they could not have come [. . .] the Father. He retains within perfectly unitary knowledge. It is he who fashioned the totality, and within him is the totality and the totality was in need of him.

As in the case of a person of whom some are ignorant, he wishes to have them know him and love him, so -- for what did the totality have need of if not knowledge regarding the Father? -- he became a guide, restful and leisurely. In schools he appeared (and) he spoke the word as a teacher. There came the men wise in their own estimation, putting him to the test. But he confounded them because they were foolish. They hated him because they were not really wise.

After all these, there came the little children also, those to whom the knowledge of the Father belongs. Having been strengthened, they learned about the impressions of the Father. They knew, they were known; theywere glorified, they glorified. There was manifested in their heart the living book of the living -- the one written in the thought and the mind [of the] Father, which from before the foundation of the totality was within his incomprehensibility - that (book) which no one was able to take, since it remains for the one who will take it to be slain. No one could have become manifest from among those who have believed in salvation unless that book had appreared For this reason the merciful one, the faithful one, Jesus, was patient in accepting sufferings until he took that book, since he knows that his death is life for many.

First paragraph: This is a very metaphysically one, this in fact, in my opinion talks about us existing within Azna/Om, it talks of Om in my opinion when it says "He did not give to the totality" it in other words says that our curiosity and our journey is about experiencing for him, we know we are experiencing his emotions, we are in need of learning about Azna's emotions learning for father Om, its saying we are stil perfecting and not yet perfect, but we will reach our perfection.

Second para: This paragraph, there is alot missing from this in my opinion. It first speaks of, trying to explain why we needed to seek truth and love and learn, then it skips to Jesus teaching at schools, then the so-called wise men giving Jesus a hard time, because they had Egos and they really where not very wise at all.

Third para: Kind of broken up and split in two, this paragraph also speaks to us, and anyone also searching for their inner truth, inner love, this speaks of children, us? ''To whom knowledge of the Father belongs'', us again? We have a living book of truth and love within each and everyone of us, this book is in the mind of the father, its a metaphor for Azna/Om's mind and love, and it is everlasting love and truth. It, of course can never be taken from us, as we will always know the truth and love in our hearts, and always eventually go back to our hearts for comfort and love. The other part of this paragraph apperently talks of Jesus, knowing that Jesus's suffering was a bright light for many, gave Jesus his strength, anyone else can feel free to give their 2 cents on this also.

To be continued, God Bless.

Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by samijo Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:48 am

Thank you In2!
Now see that is what I am talking about. I am the kind of person someone has to do a break down of what is said. Then at that point I can form my own thoughts of it. Is that strange. Now there are parts that I can read and makes total since to me, but then when they talk in that style of parables I get lost. I have been studing the break down of word meaning from the bible. this helps alot, for things do not mean the same now as it did then. Like when they talk of "lamb, kid, goat," they were talking of goodness, higher beings. And the face of the lord, meant "grace". This is very interesting. And what one word meant in one sentence it does not mean the same in the next sentence. It is the content of the sentence that made up the meaning . Very confusing to me at times. I am not a scholar by any means. Just an average Samijo.
thank you for sharing. I liked it once you explained it.

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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:49 pm

Thank you Sami! Do you know how much that compliment means to me? It means alot, and i love your for that.
I just try to give my own persepective on what I personally think it means to me, the best way that i can, i think God wants everyone of us to get a messege or get some meaning from these words. Again, thank you! Your the best!

Love and Many Blessings!

Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Sun Mar 02, 2008 4:03 pm

Just as there lies hidden in a will, before it is opened, the fortune of the deceased master of the house, so (it is) with the totality, which lay hidden whole the Father of the totality was invisible, being something which is from him, from whom every space comes forth. For this reason Jesus appeared; he put on that book; he was nailed to a tree; he published the edict of the Father on the cross. O such great teaching! He draws himself down to death though life eternal clothes him. Having stripped himself of the perishable rags, he put on imperishablitiy, which no one can possibly take away from him. Having entered the empty spaces of terrors, he passed through those who were stripped naked by oblivion, being knowledge and perfection, proclaiming the things that are in the heart, [. . .] teach those who will recieve teaching.

But those who are to revieve teaching [are] the living who are inscribed in the book of the living. It is about themselves and they receive instruction, receiving it from the Father, turning again to him. Since the perfection of totality is in the Father, it is necessary for the totality to ascend to him. Then, if one has knowledge, he recieves what are his own and draws them to himself. For he who is ignorant is in need, and what he lacks is great, since he lacks that which will make him perfect. Since the perfection of the totality is in the Father and it is necessary for the totality to ascend to him and for each one to receive what are his own, he enrolled them in advance, having prepared them to give to those who came forth from him.

First paragraph: It was Jesus who came forth and revealed the wisdom and love of Azna/Om, Jesus was the one who took on suffering to himself, to reveal to us the word and the wisdome of God. It also speaks more of Jesus being crucified in body and in spirit, to get the word out, he trancended his own suffering and anguish to bring about the sacred word of love and wisdom. Having gone through severe trials and tribulations, he got closer to the true aspects of his soul and his spirit.

Second paragraph: First parts of the second paragraph also speaks of us,.It described us as the "Living", meaning Gnostics? Truthseekers? What we seek is hope and light, and that is what can be brought forth from each of us, to then teach and bring hope to others seeking light, we ascend to Azna/Om for this hope and love, and it is normal for us to always seek love and wisdom and hope, because that is our mission to learn and ascend to God, which is also one in the same which is love, wisdom and hope. Its a little broken up, but the last parts of the paragraph speak of us? Gnostics? Taking on much in our lifetimes, we are being prepared to teach this knowledge we have learned to teach and bring hope to others.

Those whose name he knew in advance were called at the end, so that one who has knowledge is one whose name the Father has uttered. For he whose name has not been spoken is ignorant. Indeed, how is one to hear if his name has not been called? For he who is ignorant until the end is a creature of oblivion, and he will vanish along with it. If not, how is it that these mereable ones have no name, (how is it that) they do not have the call? Therfore, if one has knowledge, he is from above. If he is called, he hears, he answers, and he turns to him who is calling him, and ascends to him. And he knows in what manner he is called. Having knowledge, he does the will of the one who called him, he wishes to be pleaseing to him, he recieves rest. Each one's name comes to him. He who is to have knwledge in this manner knows where he comes from and where he is going. He knows as one who having become drunk has turned away from his drunkenness, (and) having returned to himself, has set right what are his own.

He has brought many back from error. He has gone before them to their places, from which they had moved away, since it was on account of the depth that they recieved error, the depth of the one who encircles all spaces while there is none that encircles him. It was a great wonder that they were in the Father, not knowing him, and (that) they were able to come forth by themselves, since they were unable to comprehend or to know the one in whom they were. For if his will had not thus emerged from him - for he revealed it in view of a knowledge in which all its emanations concur.

This is knowledge of the living book which he revealed tothe aeons, at the end as [his letters], revealing how they are not vowels nor are they consonants, so that one might read them and think of someting foolish, but they are letters of the truth which they alone speak who knows them. Each letter is a complete like a complete book, since they are letters written by the Unity, the Father having written them for the aeons in order that by means of his letters they should know the Father.

First paragraph: What i understand from this paragraph is even when we seem like we may be lost, or spiritually lost, that we will find a way or a messege that resonates with us. It speaks of us having inner-knowledge, we always go towards God and spirituality, if we ignore that we are unhappy, we have this knowledge and compassion to do what is right, we have an inner compass in each and all of us to get back on track, we always find a way to remain spiritual somehow, we seek God and love, and that is what is inside us too.

Second Paragraph: I believe it speaks of Jesus bringing forth knowledge, and it resonating in whoever seeks that knowledge. Again it speaks of us being AznaOm's children, we where able to come forth and recieve the knowledge and love we seek, because that is what is innately within us. It speaks of, we where not able to fully comprehend what was in inside of us, what what we really where, till Jesus put that knowledge and wisdom into words.

Third Para: It speaks of the "Living book" which i think may be life and emotions, and life's experiences. The "Book" may also be Azna/Om, we may also be the letters and vowels in this book. It means we are small pieces of the divine emnation which is God, we seek out God to feel complete, all of us make up the totality of God also. We may have been put forth and created to seek the ultimate love and ultimate wisdom which is God. I think, it again speaks of why we are here, to experience and learn for Father god Om.

While his wisdom contemplates the Word, and his teaching utters it, his knowledge has revealed . While forebearance is a crown upon it, and his gladness is in harmony with it, his glory has exalted it, his image has revealed it, his repose has recieved it into itself, his love has made a body over it, his fedelity has embraced it. In this way the Word of the Father goes forth in the totality, as the fruit [of] his heart and an impression of his will. But it supports the totality; it chooses them and also recieves the impression of the totality, purifying them, bringing them back into the Father, into the Mother, Jesus of the infinite sweetness.

The Father reveals his bosom. -- Now his bosom is the Holy Spirit. -- He reveals what is hidden of him -- what is hidden of him is his Son -- so that through the mercies of the Father the aeons may know him and cease laboring in search of the Father, resting there in him, knowing that this is the rest. Having filled the defienciency, he abolished the form -- the form of it is the world, that in which he served. -- For the place where there is envy and strife is deficient, but the place where (there is) Unity is pefect. Since the deficiency came into being because the Father was not known, therefore, when the Father is known, from that moment on the deficiency wil no longer exist. As in the case of the ignorance of a person, when he comes to have knowledge, his ignorance vanishes of itself, as the darkness vanishes when light appears, so also the deficiency vanishes in the perfection. So from that moment on the form is not apparent, but it will vanish in the fusion of Unity, for now their works lie scattered. In time Unity will pefect the spaces. It is within Unity that each on will attain himself; within knowledge he will purify himself from multiplicity into Unity, consuiming matter within himself like fire, and darknesss by light, death by life.

First para: I had to re-read this a couple times to grasp at what its saying, i think it means that we inherited pieces of God's love and wisdom, and in that love and wisdom, we are naturally curious, it says "His wisdom contemplates the Word" which means the spark of God's wisdom in us, is what seeks and contemplates the word and love of God, and it means that because we have God's wisdom in us, that is why we actually contemplate his Word in the first place."His teaching utters it", "His knowledge has revealed" both mean in my opinion that the word of God and those that try to teach the word, are teaching that comes from the heart, and the love and wisdom that comes forth from us when we try to teach and reveal the wisdome of God to others, we could be God's teachers and revealers. It also speaks of all the aspects in God are revealed through us in some way on this physical plane, these are ways it emnates and shows itself through us in many ways.

Second Paragraph: It speaks of how Jesus revealed the hope and mercy and love of God, and that how we are comforted in the word. "Since the deficiency came into being because the father was not known" Meaning the deficiency inside us, when we stray away from our true spiritual nature and love. The last parts of this paragraph i think speaks of, when we hear the word and read the word, it makes life clear for us, we go toward the light, we are free from our negativitiy the more we get spiritual and understand the word of God. Unity meaning, gathering your full spiritual self on this planet, uniting all your good aspects, all the aspects that will shine through you having come back to God and love, you will know the way, and it will become clearer for you once you have Unity with yourself and everyone esle, we are all one loving people.

Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:28 pm

If indeed these things have happened to each one of us, then we must see to it above all that house will be holy and silent for the Unity. (It is) as in the case of some people who moed out of dwellings having jars that in spots were not good. They would break them, and the master of the house would not suffer loss. Rather is glad because in place of the bad jars (there are) ful ones which are made perfect. For such is the judgement which has come from above. It has passed judgement on everyone; it is a drawn sword, with two edges, cutting on either side. When the Word appeared, the one that is within the heart of those who utter it - it is not a sound alone but it became a body -- a great disturbance took place among the jars because some had been emptied, others filled; that is, some had been supplied, others poured out, some had been purified, still others broken up. All the spaces were shaken and disturbed because they had no order nor stability. Error was upset, not knowing what to do; it was grieved, in mourning, afflicting itself because it knew nothing. When knowledge drew near it - error is empty, having nothing inside.

We are the master of our house=spirit in this context. Jars would be aspects of ourselves, either good or bad aspects. "In the place of bad jars there are full ones which are made perfect", would mean that we go through different learning experiences in our spiritual growth and quest for inner-knowledge, we get rid of old aspects, only to uncover new and better aspects of ourselves through inner-reflection and action. Error would be the false ego or the false self,"Knowledge drew near it - error is empty, having nothing inside." would mean that in the place of our own ignorance or false ego, the light of knowledge and love would make error/ego be a thing of the past, make it cease to exist.

Truth appeared; all its emanations knew it. They greeted the Father in truth with a perfect power that joins them with the Father. For, as for everyone who loves the truth - because the truth is the mouth of the Father; his tongue is the Holy - he who is joined to the truth is joined to the Father's mouth by his tongue, whenever he is to receive the Holy Spirit, since this is the manifestation of the Father and his revelation to his aeons.

In other words, us, God's children, admire and cherish the words of truth and love that come from God. Truth is also like God to us, truth and love are the same thing, we recognize love through truth and truth through love, it all originates from God, since we are God's offspring we recognize this and appreciate this, and when we seek and find this wonderful revelation we are at peace and comfort.

He manifested what was hidden of him; he explained it. For who contains, if not the Father alone? All the spaces are his emanations. They have known that they came forth from him like children who are from a grown man. They knew that they had not yet received form nor yet received a name, each one of which the Father begets. Then, when they received form by his knowledge, though truley within him, they do not know him. But the Father is perfect, knowing every space within him. If he wishes, he manifests whomever he wishes by giving him form and giving him a name, and he gives a name to him and brings it about that those come into existence who, before they come into existence, are ignorant of him who fashioned them.

Talks of,,us coming from God. I believe it talks of when we all came into physical being from the divine sparks. We recieved form by his knowledge, we where young and curious, we did not fully know God. He of course knew and loved us, and we loved him. We are created by his thoughts and thought processes, as we know this happend a long long time ago. It again apperently skips some parts of the paragraph, the last part is "before they come into existence, are ignorant of him who fashioned them", my guess is it speaks of the Dark entities whom came into physical form without being given a proper name and identity, or without even caring, they where ignorant of him who fashioned them, meaning they where ignorant of God and God's love.

I do not say, then, that they are nothing (at all) who have not yet come into existence, but they are in him who will wish that they come into existence when he wishes, like the time that is to come. Before all things appear, he knows what he will produce. But the fruit which is not yet manifest does not know anything, nor does it do anything. Thus, also, every space which is itself in the Father is from the one who exists, who established it from what does not exist. For he who has no root has no fruit either, but though he thinks to himself, "I have come into being," yet he will perish by himself. For this reason, he who did not exist at all will never come into existence. What, then, did he wish him to think of himself? This: "I have come into being like the shadows and phantoms of the night." When the light shines on the terror which that person had experienced, he knows that it is nothing.

Again could be talking of the nature of Dark entities, i could be wrong though. They seem to be very ignorant, coming into being in a rush, not having knowledge of God, or where they come from. They do not realize that they are not complete, it says "Before all things appear, he knows what he will produce. But the fruit which is not yet manifest does not know anything, nor does it do anything. Thus, also every space which is itself in the Father is from the one who exists, who established it from what does not exist. "For he who has no root has no fruit either, but though he thinks to himself, "I have come into being." yet he will perish by himself." I take that passege as meaning, they seek all the glory for themselves, they give God not credit for their existence, even though they may think they know it all, they cannot know it all because they choose to ignore God still. Without God they will perish and be lonely.

Thus they were ignorant of the Father, he being the one whom they did not see. Since it was terror and disturbance and instability and doubt and division, there were many illusions at work by means of these, and (there were) empty fictions, as if they were sunk in sleep and found themselves in disturbing dreams. Either (there is) a place to which they are fleeing, or without strength they come (from) having chased after others, or they are involved in striking blows, or they are receiving blows themselves, or they have fallen from high places, or they take off into the air though they do not even have wings. Again, sometimes (it is as) if people were murdering them, though there is no one even pursuing them, or they themselves are killing their neighbors, for they have been stained with their blood. When those who are going through al these things wake up, they see nothing, they who were in the midst of all these disturbances, for they are nothing. Such is the way of those who have cast ignorance aside from them like sleep, not esteeming it as anything, nor do they esteem its works as solid things either, but they leave them behind like a dream in the night. The knowledge of the Father they value as the dawn. This is the way each one has acted, as though asleep at the time when he is ignorant. And this is the way he has , as if he had awakened, {and} Good for the man who will return and awaken. And blessed is he who has opened the eyes of the blind.

Talks of the loneliness and lostness of being without spirituality, or knowing of God, or love or the words of God. Fears can get us into thinking insane mindsets, dilusional and irrational mindsets, everything we want to get rid of, all the fears and unneccesary worries, we end up hurting ourselves and others with our fears, we are lost withought seeking God and or love and god's word. Once we wake up, once we hear the word, once our quest for knowledge and love begins in our lives, it is as if we are awoken from sleep, we now see that this is truley living, this is truley what it means to be alive. It says to be ignorant is what it is to be asleep. It says "The knowlege of the Father they value as the dawn." It says to cast aside ignorance and nor should you have any esteem for your past ignorance, for that is when you acted like a sleep walking person, now that you are awake in the holy life, in the holy spirit of all possiblities, now you will know life. "It says "And blessed is he who has opened the eyes of the blind". You are now blessed having known the truth, and show that truth to others.

Last edited by in2wish4everpeace on Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:09 pm

And the Spirit ran after him, hastening from waking him up. Having extended his hand to him who lay upon the ground, he set him up on his feet, for he had not yet risen. He gave them the means of knowing the knowledge of the Father and the revelation of his Son. For when they had seen him and had heard him, he granted them to taste him, and to smell him, and to touch the beloved Son.

When he had appeared, instructing them about the Father, the incomprehensible one, when he had breathed into them what is in the thought, doing his will, when many had received the light, they turned to him. For the material ones were strangers, and did not see his likeness, and had not known him. For he came by means of fleshly form, while nothing blocked his course, because incorruptibility is irresistible, since he, again, spoke new things, still speaking about what is in the heart of the Father, having brought forth the flawless Word.

The paragraphs above: From what I gather in my thoughts about this is this,,the "Spirit" would represent inspiration, knowledge and curiosity. Next part could very well be broken up but it is self explanatory, it speaks of knowledge leads all who would seek truth in the word and love of God, having known this, we could have a better understanding for God and Jesus.

Second Para: Speaks of, " he had breathed into them what is in the thought, doing his will, when many had received the light, they turned to him." which means Jesus making all who listen to his word, alive and awake from ignorance., We sometimes see our Earth and reality through the eyes of what we see through our brains, but sometimes you have to use your heart and your brain to fully realize the ways of God, and Jesus was the one who taught us, and brought us to see the flawless word of God, and the love of God.

When light had spoken through his mouth, as well as his voice, which gave birth to life, he gave them thought and understanding, and mercy and salvation, and the powerful spirit from the infiniteness and the sweetness of the Father. Having made punishments and tortures cease - for it was they which were leading astray from his face some who were in need of mercy, in error and in bonds - he both destroyed them with power and confounded them with knowledge. He became a way for those who were gone astray, and knowledge for those who were ignorant, a discovery for those who were searching, and a support for those who were wavering, immaculateness for those who were defiled.

Talks of, Jesus and how he brought the flawless word and love of God, down to this Earth. Speaks of how he spoke and tought and how he brought hope and brought his light of knowledge down to us, down to the people back then. The word of God destroys all fears and ignorance, and lifts all burdens on ignorances and turns us towards the light.

He is the shepherd who left behind the ninety-nine sheep which were not lost. He went searching for the one which had gone astray. He rejoiced when he found it, for ninety-nine is a number that is in the left hand, which holds it. But when the one is found, the entire number passes to the right (hand). As that which lacks the one - that is, the entire right (hand) - draws what was deficient and takes it from the left-hand side and brings (it) to the right, so too the number becomes one hundred. It is the sign of the one who is in their sound; it is the Father. Even on the Sabbath, he labored for the sheep which he found fallen into the pit. He gave life to the sheep, having brought it up from the pit, in order that you might know interiorly - you, the sons of interior knowledge - what is the Sabbath, on which it is not fitting for salvation to be idle, in order that you may speak from the day from above, which has no night, and from the light which does not sink, because it is perfect.

Say, then, from the heart, that you are the perfect day, and in you dwells the light that does not fail. Speak of the truth with those who search for it, and (of) knowledge to those who have committed sin in their error. Make firm the foot of those who have stumbled, and stretch out your hands to those who are ill. Feed those who are hungry, and give repose to those who are weary, and raise up those who wish to rise, and awaken those who sleep. For you are the understanding that is drawn forth. If strength acts thus, it becomes even stronger. Be concerned with yourselves; do not be concerned with other things which you have rejected from yourselves. Do not return to what you have vomited, to eat it. Do not be moths. Do not be worms, for you have already cast it off. Do not become a (dwelling) place for the devil, for you have already destroyed him. Do not strengthen (those who are) obstacles to you, who are collapsing, as though (you were) a support (for them). For the lawless one is someone to treat ill, rather than the just one. For the former does his work as a lawless person; the latter as a righteous person does his work among others. So you, do the will of the Father, for you are from him.

First Paragraph: I think the Shepard may of course be Jesus, and we the sheep. The ninety nine sheep which were not lost, are the ones searching for knowledge. (Gnostics) and or Spiritual folks? The one sheep gone astray could be anyone feeling depressed or lost without love and or the true word. The one sheep could also be meaning Grey entities but im not sure..The left hand switching over to the right hand and back and forth could be the reincarnation process,, but im really stretching this meaning, im not exactly sure what it means, but it makes sense to me so ill leave it at that. It then skips some parts, then it says " you, the sons of interior knowledge - what is the Sabbath, on which it is not fitting for salvation to be idle, in order that you may speak from the day from above, which has no night, and from the light which does not sink, because it is perfect. " I look at this in meaning for us to be good and spread love and knowledge and the word of God, and realize that your a light to light a dark place as Sylvia says, then speak of your spirituality and the otherside and spirituality and bring others toward the light.

Second paragraph: This paragraph is very much about empowerment. Very Happy It shows how much of bright souls and lights we all are, it speaks of us now having all this love and knowledge and then share this knowledge with those who seek it and need it just like we all do sometimes. It speaks of bringing salvation, awakening those who are asleep again, being strong, and in all of our strength together we will be alot stronger if we push forward together and comfort eachother when we need it. The more we practice our spirituality, the more in the light and stronger we become in love and spirituality, it says to basically look forward with your love and knowledge and dont dwell so much on your past, this is you right here right now in your knowledge and love, looking back at your past is useless negative thoughts and emotions, by dwelling too much on your past, this of course gives strength to your old obstacles and old ways of thinking, look forward, move forward and be blessed.

Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by Sun Mar 09, 2008 10:53 am

Great job... the only thing is the Dark souls were all there with all of us in the moment before we came out of Om/Dowra and Azna. They knew where they were from and didn't want to participate. In the JOS books Francine talks about this. There are some the grays of varying intensities some who can convert to white and some who have more propensity to dark. The fully decided darks were allowed to come here Earth,some to incarnate and some to surround the planet in influence. This which is of the dark in thought is the muck Samijo refers to in her sermon on Judge not. If we give life to the dark thoughts which are already here to influence then we are in the muck. If we choose to see the light then we participate in thought in our true nature. the Grays can choose still. Though our nature is white we can participate in thought anyway. When we are darkly influenced we feel off in nature in our thoughts. When we share the light as you state sharing our spirituality we bring others towards it. It doesn't have to be big treatises, just saying thank you , smiling, holding the door for someone,acts of kindness is the easiest way of sharing the spirituality in simple ways.

Pisces Monkey
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:07 am


This is a lot of what gifts we have for each other . Some can interpret and break information down easily digested in understanding by many, some can speak in sermons, some more gifted in being intuitive/psychic.

We can all play a piano as someone wisely stated. We can go to a keyboard and play a note, some can without training be virtuosos, some with training can achieve greatness.All of us sharing together will ensure we all achieve greatness of spirit. It is the beauty we see in flowers just simply beautiful. We can all make sounds, talk, sing, etc. Some with training make fantastic sounds some just make ok sounds but it doesn't matter if we appreciate each other for what we are and bring it lightens the whole.
Wow I feel like I'm just getting these examples.

Pisces Monkey
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:23 pm

Thanks so much for those compliments! Truthfully i just wanted and try and look at what was said in this Gospel, and then interpret it the best I can. I know that i cannot fully interpret all the metaphors and meanings of this gospel, since it was written many years ago. I just hope that for whoever reads this can look between what i said and what was wrote and form their own interpretations of them, i think that all of us can get something out of this and learn from this in their own way. Heck, maybe one day i might look back at this a year later and interpret it different! Who knows. Very Happy

Aquarius Goat
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The Gospel of Truth Empty Re: The Gospel of Truth

Post by in2wish4everpeace Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:21 pm

For the Father is sweet, and in his will is what is good. He has taken cognizance of the things that are yours, that you might find rest in them. For by the fruits does one take cognizance of the things that are yours, because the children of the Father are his fragrance, for they are from the grace of his countenance. For this reason, the Father loves his fragrance, and manifests it in every place. And if it mixes with matter, he gives his fragrance to the light, and in his repose, he causes it to surpass every form (and) every sound. For it is not the ears that smell the fragrance, but (it is) the breath that has the sense of smell and attracts the fragrance to itself, and is submerged in the fragrance of the Father, so that he thus shelters it, and takes it to the place where it came from, from the first fragrance, which is grown cold. It is something in a psychic form, being like cold water which has frozen (?), which is on earth that is not solid, of which those who see it think it is earth; afterwards, it dissolves again. If a breath draws it, it gets hot. The fragrances, therefore, that are cold are from the division. For this reason, faith came; it dissolved the division, and it brought the warm pleroma of love, in order that the cold should not come again, but (that) there should be the unity of perfect thought.

From what I gather in my thoughts to be the meaning of the above paragraph, I believe this speaks of, God emitting the joy and the light, and a great presence, and we, their children emit these same wonderful qualities, we are one in the same, we come from such a love and grace and beautfy that transcends all time and space, and manifests itself everywhere, everyplace. It also speaks of, us being attracted to the beauty and love in all things, we see what we have in our selves and are drawn to what we have in ourselves, which is a great beauty and love. It also speaks of God's creations being manifested in this dimension, the faith it speaks of coming is that of spirituality and gaining strength and love, we should not forget where we truley come from, do not seperate yourself from the oneness of love that is God, and that same oneness is what each of us has within us, the same love that is within God, even if you feel alone, that is just a homesick feeling as of course Sylvia has taught us. Dont become so blind to your love and spirit, for it is great, you are truley that love which is emitted from our Mother and Father, dont ever forget that, you are love, its just up to realize our full potential, get rid of any ego that keeps you from realizing that, and realize your love at your inner being, that is your true nature.

This the word of the gospel of the discovery of the pleroma, for those who await the salvation which is coming from on high. While their hope, for which they are waiting, is in waiting - they whose image is light with no shadow in it - then, at that time, the pleroma is proceeding to come. The of matter came to be not through the limitlessness of the Father, who is coming to give time for the deficiency, although no one could say that the incorruptible one would come in this way. But the depth of the Father was multiplied, and the thought of error did not exist with him. It is a thing that falls, (and) it is a thing that easily stands upright (again), in the discovery of him who has come to him whom he shall bring back. For the bringing-back is called 'repentence'.

This speaks of, if your in need of salvation and seeking the truth truley, hold steady as your blessings and your infusions will come. It speaks of, our despair or desert periods being a necessary learning experience in this physical realm of existence, when it says: "But the depth of the Father was multiplied, and the thought of error did not exist with him. It is a thing that falls, (and) it is a thing that easily stands upright (again), in the discovery of him who has come to him whom he shall bring back. For the bringing-back is called 'repentence'. " this means that we will fall in our depression or despair, and we will then again find strength in the inner search for love, our continued discovery of ourselves leads us also to finding God again, we just need to seek and we shall soon discover, then feel blessed again.

For this reason, incorruptibility breathed forth; it pursued the one who had sinned, in order that he might rest. For forgiveness is what remains for the light in the deficiency, the word of the pleroma. For the physician runs to the place where sickness is, because that is the will that is in him. He who has a deficiency, then, does not hide it, because one has what the other lacks. So the pleroma, which has no deficiency, but (which) fills up the deficiency, is what he provided from himself for filling up what he lacks, in order that therefore he might receive the grace. For when he was deficient, he did not have the grace. That is why there was diminution existing in the place where there is no grace. When that which was diminished was received, he revealed what he lacked, being (now) a pleroma; that is the discovery of the light of truth which rose upon him because it is immutable.

Speaks of, the pleroma; which means fullfilled with light and love basically, and it speaks of we seeking in what we lack, or feel that we lack, but we have to look inner within ourselves to perfect ourselves, dont ignore what you think you may lack, why would you be looking for inner-peace in the first place? That search for the love that which is God, is the same place you can realize your full potential, you will be whole, you will be awake, your inner grace, will yet reveal more inner grace, forgiving yourself, and releasing false ego and guilt is a good place to start.

That is why Christ was spoken of in their midst, so that those who were disturbed might receive a bringing-back, and he might anoint them with the ointment. This ointment is the mercy of the Father, who will have mercy on them. But those whom he has anointed are the ones who have become perfect. For full jars are the ones that are usually anointed. But when the anointing of one (jar) is dissolved, it is emptied, and the reason for there being a deficiency is the thing by which its ointment goes. For at that time a breath draws it, a thing in the power of that which is with it. But from him who has no deficiency, no seal is removed, nor is anything emptied, but what he lacks, the perfect Father fills again. He is good. He knows his plantings, because it is he who planted them in his paradise. Now his paradise is his place of rest.

Speaks of the mercy of God, and Jesus bringing that mercy to the people. Speaks of, truley being honest with yourself to recieve the grace and love of God, we are not deficient in anything when we devote ourselves to the love and truth of god, fully. We should live life, and God will bestow blessings on us, and dont be afraid to live, its all about allowing yourself to recieve the grace.

This is the perfection in the thought of the Father, and these are the words of his meditation. Each one of his words is the work of his one will in the revelation of his Word. While they were still depths of his thought, the Word, which was first to come forth, revealed them, along with a mind that speaks the one Word in silent grace. He was called 'thought', since they were in it before being revealed. It came about, then, that he was first to come forth, at the time when the will of him who willed desired it. And the will is what the Father rests in, and is pleased with. Nothing happens without him, nor does anything happen without the will of the Father, but his will is unsearchable. His trace is the will, and no one will know him, nor is it possible for one to scrutinize him, in order to grasp him. But when he wills, what he wills is this - even if the sight does not please them in any way before God - desiring the Father. For he knows the beginning of all of them, and their end. For at their end, he will question them directly. Now, the end is receiving knowledge about the one who is hidden, and this is the Father, from whom the beginning came forth, (and) to whom all will return who have come forth from him. And they have appeared for the glory and the joy of his name.

Speaks of, God and creation. Speaks of God's poweful word, his word being his thought process and his creations processes. We could be the manifestations of his will and his words, put here into existence. It speaks of this 'will' this being conciousness and thoughts itself, God is concioussness, and the reason why we exist and think in the first place, since we are part of God. Some parts of this seem to be missing but, I believe this also speaks of knowing the truth of God once we reach heaven/the otherside. It speaks of, our search for knowledge, and then going back to that in which we came from, which is with God and the beauty of heaven.

Aquarius Goat
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