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Karma Empty Karma

Post by samijo Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:06 am

Wikipedia: Karma: The philosophical explanation of karma can differ slightly between traditions, but the general concept is basically the same. Through the law of karma, the effects of all deeds actively create past, present, and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to him/her and others. The results or 'fruits' of actions.

(Sylvia Browne take of Karma from her book Phenomenon: Page 94-96)
In brief, through, it's derived from the word meaning "balance of experience." It's not a theory, it's a law in God's cyclical unversed guaranteeing that, as the Bible puts it, "what ye sow, so shall ye reap," or, in more contemporary words, "you get back what you give."
Karma is a sister of dharma in that it offers a road map outlining amazingly simple directions to a peaceful, fulfilling life of goodness. Karma is another universal law that really does boil down to all those sayings you've heard before: "What goes around comes around," this life or the next one, it's a guarantee that your karma will catch up with you, good or bad. Actually, a friend of mine insists it takes five years for bad karma to catch up with someone who has it coming, on the condition that you not interfere or life a finger to try to speed it up in any way. Don't waste one moment of your time and energy on revenge or causing someone even minor trouble or wishing them the worst possible luck. Sure, it's tempting, but his theory is , that don't deserve the compliment of any more of your attention, even if it's negative. And besides, if you retaliate or wish awful things on someone, "who wants that karma?" Mentally and emotionally, he's the healthiest person I 've ever met, so I've been enjoying watching his five year theory pay out, and I don't have a single disagreement with it so far.

There are a couple of finer points of karma that are often misunderstood and need to be cleared up. One is that motives are a major factor when it comes to reaping what we've sown. We've all hurt people in out lives, and I'll bet thirty to forty percent of my clients every single week spend part of our time together trying to work through the guilt they’re consumed with over that one issue. In addition to asking if they've done everything they can take responsibility for the pain they've caused and to make things right again, my other inevitable question relates to karma: "Did you deliberately hurt that person, or was it inadvertent?" Genuinely inadvertent harm-harm you had no reason to believe you would cause by your actions-doesn't equate to the dark karmic clouds that are guaranteed by the harm you were well aware you might be causing but didn't let stop you. the reverse is equally true, by the way. If you live your life with little or no regard for other people but have developed a talent for shifting the blame or creating inventive excuses when it looks as if there might be consequences, don't be too quick to relax. There's no such thing as getting away with it when it comes to karma. It will all catch up with you. It just will. As the saying goes, it's not a threat, it's a promise.
Also, remember that when we plan our upcoming lifetimes, we write the chart for those lifetimes according to the spiritual learning and growth we want to accomplish. Nothing is inflicted on us. Whatever we got through in any given incarnation, it's because we chose it ahead of time. It's how we handle the best and worst of what we chose that determines our success.
So imagine the advance courage, determination and divine aspiration it take s for a spirit to write a chart that includes physical or mental challenges, poverty, hunger, abandonment and other forms of severe deprivation and genuine emotional abuse. It's an honor to live among these exceptional spirits, it's our privilege when we're able to help them and it's incalculable how much we can learn from them. And yet, one of the most commonly misunderstood concepts about karma is that instead of being the elevated souls they are these people are mistakenly perceived as obviously eing punished for all sorts of heinous crimes against humanity n past lives. Please believe me, exactly the opposite is true. The tougher the chart, the finer the soul who wrote it.
In essence, then, a simple formula for those of us, myself included who never stop trying to deepen our spiritual consciousness is to learn every day through our karma while living every day by our dharma.

(Sami’s thoughts)
Both explanations are right on to what I believe.
As Sylvia's friend saying it is 5 years for Karma to come around. I my self have been wondering how long is it until Karma comes around. Not so that I can see when good or bad comes to me. Just wondering this in the terms of how long this life as have me to experience everything that I have been thought or the karma that I have created for myself.
I believe there is a connection. It is a continuous circle, we make Karma then we live it. make karma then we live it. I really don't believe that we live karma out from another life time. Maybe, we do. This is just my thoughts. We are here to do good to ourselves and others, what we do to ourselves and others comes back on us to experience. It is like what I have heard for many years "we have free will, and we create our own heaven or hell" be careful what we wish for ..we may get it". These saying tie into what I have thought. It is like that is our Karma things that we create here on earth. Then our charts are something different. This is where our spirits take on perfecting for God. To become more spiritual. The karma is like where the body and spirit comes together and karma is what comes from it. The charting comes from spirit only.
It brought a new way of thinking to me when I read : (So imagine the advance courage, determination and divine aspiration it take s for a spirit to write a chart that includes physical or mental challenges, poverty, hunger, abandonment and other forms of severe deprivation and genuine emotional abuse. It's an honor to live among these exceptional spirits, it's our privilege when we're able to help them and it's incalculable how much we can learn from them. And yet, one of the most commonly misunderstood concepts about karma is that instead of being the elevated souls they are these people are mistakenly perceived as obviously being punished for all sorts of heinous crimes against humanity in past lives. )
Most definitely food for thought. This may make you as it did me think of things out before we think or so something of judgmental form.

Please share you thoughts with me on this topic.
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Karma Empty Re: Karma

Post by in2wish4everpeace Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:29 am

Its intresting that Sylvia brought up guilt.

To me that is a very important issue concerning our life on this planet, and our views on why we experience negative "Karma" or that in which we percieve to be Karma.

My opinion is that, without guilt, then there would really be no Karma as we know it.. Or at least negative karma..

I think that we have to start viewing life as a pre-set chain of events happening, and when we incarnate, we choose to voluntarily become a participent in this marry-go round of events here on Earth.

It is how we react to our lifecharts, and these events in our lives, that is what matters, we can choose to go through life unhappy, or we can choose to appreciate the the things we have in life, and realize that there are ups and downs, everyone has ups and downs in life, its a part of life itself.

But in life, us humans make mistakes from time to time, it doesnt mean we are bad, but unfortunately, and normally we feel guilt in our actions, that is partly what makes us white-entity humans. And whenever we make mistakes, we always expect this law of the universe called Karma to rear its ugly head again, but the truth is, that Karma takes place whether or not we do good or bad, its just a part of the evolution of this planet.

So I think that we should all change our awareness of this force called Karma, Karma as Sylvia has said is not punishment, its just a chain of life which we are all part of..But its our choice on this planet if we are going to be constantly worrying and obsessing over the next time this Karma will hit us in some way, shape or form, and to be in a state of always anticipating the worst outcome. This is truly a hellish state to be in. That is a lesson alot of us must conquer on this planet, its what makes us human, and i think we have all conquered parts of it ourselves in this life, and in past lives too. Wash away the guilt, and realize we all make mistakes, its only when we refuse to realize that we made the mistake, that is when we do not grow spiritually, and grow in maturity.

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Karma Empty Re: Karma

Post by Guest Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:09 am

I hear Karma is a bitch Giggle

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Karma Empty Re: Karma

Post by Blue Nova Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:39 am

I hear Karma is a bitch

I'd steer clear of whoever said that !!! affraid cyclops lol!
Blue Nova
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Karma Empty Karma

Post by russgirl Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:20 pm

From what I understand on the karma happening from one life to the next is possibly what is called retributive karma, which happens very rarely. Example: A thief from one lifetime comes back in the next with crippled hands.

My confusion with karma in my present life is I wonder what may be karma in the balancing of my experiences and what may be from what I have written for myself scratch ? Are they(karma and charts) one in the same?

Virgo Rat
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Karma Empty Re: Karma

Post by Guest Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:49 pm

Are they(karma and charts) one in the same?
I would think so. seeing as we are supposed to have charted even the smallest of details. On the whole we chart certain things to experience something that maybe we didn't learn enough last time or to balance things out.

I also believe it has something to do with the Universal Law. we get back what we put out. even something as simple as letting someone go ahead of you in line as Sylvia has pointed out. eventually that simple action will come back to us and we can go ahead.

I personally don't put much belief in retributive karma. Joyful

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Karma Empty Re: Karma

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